Author: Robert J. Sawyer
- Charles Darwin (1)
- IN: Hybrids (2003) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: The belief in God has often been advanced as not only the greatest, but the most complete of all the distinctions between man and the lower animals.
FROM: The Descent of Man, (1871), Book, UK
- Karel Čapek (1)
- IN: Hybrids (2003) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: And let me tell you, God is not infinite as the Catholics assert. He is about six hundred meters in diameter, and even then is weak towards the edges.
FROM: The Absolute at Large, (1922), NULL, Czech Republic
- John Galsworthy (1)
- IN: Hybrids (2003) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: Manking was still divided into two species: The few who had "speculation" in their souls, and the many who had none, with a belt of hybrids in the middle.
FROM: To Let, (1921), NULL, UK